Sunday, April 22, 2012


ミツワは とても すごい 日本のスーパー です。 高校の時に、 日本語の クラスと シカゴのミツワへ 行きました。 ミツワに 色々(いろいろ)食べ物が あります。 そして、 ミツワに たくさん レストランが あります。 
さいきん、 ニュージャージーに ミツワが あることが 聞きました。 行きたいですが、 たくさん しゅくだいが あるから ひまが ありません。 それで、 行けません。 たいへんですね。 ミツワは すばらしいです。

Monday, April 9, 2012

妄想代理人 (もうそうだいりにん)= PARANOIA AGENT

 わたしの 一ばん 好きな アニメは 妄想代理人 です。 とてもおもしろいあにめ です。 そして 少し こわい です。
Paranoia Agent is a very complex and interesting anime. It is the story of a serial attacker dubbed lil' slugger (In Japanese he is referred to as 少年バット as in bat boy, which sounds slightly less weird) who attacks people when they are at some sort of emotional impasse. Each episode follows a different character that has some sort of serious emotional or psychological problem. By the end of the episode, once their condition has spiraled beyond their control, they are usually attacked by lil' slugger. This format is used to explore many social problems in Japan, particularly stress, bullying, and suicide. While the subject matter is often bleak, it makes a very mature and culturally relevant anime. Ultimately, the series has a fairly uplifting message.

My favorite episode is about a young boy nicknamed ichi who tends to be very arrogant and prone to bullying. While he considers himself very popular, his generally cocky demeanor lose him all of his friends and social standing. It is interesting that even a character that is sort of a terrible person can be sympathetic.

This series is far too complex to describe in detail here, but I recommend it to anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers or would like a unique look at Japanese culture.