Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Grave of the Fireflies

Isao Takahata's animated film, Grave of the Fireflies, tells the tragic story of two siblings trying to survive during a U.S. bombing campaign of Japan during World War II. The film is both incredibly moving and profoundly disturbing. After their mother dies, the two siblings must fight starvation when they decide to live on there own outside of society. While they try to stay positive, their situation gets increasing bleak until the film reaches an emotionally jarring conclusion. Grave of the Fireflies presents the impact that war has on ordinary people, without exploring its political significance.
Grave of the Fireflies was first shown to me by my high school Japanese teacher. She was apparently a huge sociopath, and always loved to show this movie right before winter vacation. Needless to say, Grave of the Fireflies isn't an appropriate Christmas movie. God that teacher was awesome.


  1. Oh, tough call.

    Yeah, I really don't know if I should pity you or burn with jealousy.

    I'm leaning towards jealousy -- このえいがはおどろくべきですね。

    (Incidentally, 'jealousy' は日本語で 'しっと’ です。Thank you, Google!)


  2. キースさんこんにちは。わたしのなまえはたかはしちかこです。
    I have watched the film so many times...Every time I watched, it was not like I wanted to watch it cause it's just too sad and depressing although it is a great film. I just ended up watching on TV when it was on. Do you like any other Miyazaki films? I have been wanted to do Miyazaki's film screening here on campus (in Teachers College) but I don't know where to ask for permission.
    Anyway, I think watching Japanese TV shows and movies will help you learn more vocabulary :)

  3. I've actually never heard of this Miyazaki movie. It looks incredibly interesting. I've seen several other films by him so I'm surprised I haven't heard of this one. I'm a sissy when it comes to movies though. I remember I saw an Argentinian film, "Los Secretos en Sus Ojos," and I was so emotionally disturbed that I felt depressed and scared for the rest of the day and several days afterward, not to mention left the theatre sobbing. I feel like this movie might have the same effect on me, which makes me scared to watch it, but I think I will anyway.

  4. yikes. i hope that wasn't your introduction to Ghibli. it is so good but SO SAD. i own it but can't bring myself to watch it a second time...

  5. ニコルス「Nichols」さんのこうこうのにほんごのせんせいはすごいでした。

    suburban_dissident: Watch it again or let me borrow it 'cause I haven't seen it in a long time.

  6. このえいがはいいですね。
    Well, I haven't seen it yet, but we haven't learned out to say "it LOOKS good" yet. I will definitely check it out though.

  7. Yeah, watch it. Its heart-wrenching yet brilliant!
